Wednesday, May 30, 2012

We opened.... and it's hard to be consistent!

My sincere apologies...

My goal with this blog was to post something at least once a week.  Now, a month has gone by and we have so much catching up to do.  So much has happened and the play has opened and is running...  Reviews are posted at the bottom of this post. I hope you'll come to see it this weekend. Only 8 more shows!

Since my last post...

Since my last posting life has been a flurry of rehearsals, rewrites, notes and fear, laughter, anxiety, humility...  Our company, now together for over 25 years, is an ensemble, but also a family.  The other actress in our ensemble, Lucy Rodriguez, and I often look at each other in our dressing room right before curtain, full of fearful excitement, smile at each other in wonder of this crazy thing we do called "theater."  We struggle to do it, we fight to do it, because we believe in the art form.  Once the house lights go out and the sound and lights come up on stage you are off and there is no turning back.  No "cut" and no fixing it in post.  You are out there in front of the audience, your accomplice, in what many people think is a crazy exercise.

For me, the theater is a place of power because it is the only place I can tell the stories that need to be told and have some say about how to tell them.  But, I am blessed.  We have a theater, a prolific director, a dedicated and talented ensemble and an audience - a theater family.

We opened Charity: Part III of A Mexican Trilogy on Friday, May 11, 20122.  We had a nice opening party in the LATC Gallery with friends, family, audience and it was great fun... kind of.  Truth be told, opening nights are always a a blur to me.  Between congratulatory hugs and comments, my thoughts and emotions are all over the place.  Everywhere else, but there in that space and time.  I thinking about what went well, what didn't, what the audience responded to, what they didn't respond to and that is only the playwright's thoughts.  As a performer I am dealing with the same old insecurities that haunt me forever...  I think my ideal opening experience would be to sit with all who created the play with a bottle of tequila, toast to our collective accomplishment and quietly reflect on the process and the work.  A lot goes into creating a play. So much work, so many discussions, so many minds, so many ideas, so much rehearsal; director, playwright, actors, choreographer, musical director, set designer, lighting designer, sound designer, costume designer, projection designer, prop master, script translator for super titles, stage manager, assistant stage manager, sound operator, lighting operator and I'm not even mentioning the house and box office staff.  It's a collaborative effort of creativity with a common goal of telling a story...

Again, my apologies for being away for so long, but, I was very busy making a play...

We have photos of rehearsals, production and more.  Oh, and reviews, too! Here's info and links to reviews.  Will try to post photos and other stuff tomorrow!

For tickets: or call Ovation Tix: 866-811-4111

Charity: Part III of a Mexican Trilogy starring the wonderfully talented Ofelia Medina has just added another week of performances!  We are running until June 10th! Come see your favorite LTC members at their finest including Evelina Fernandez, Sal Lopez, Geoffrey Rivas, Lucy Rodriguez with guest artists Rudy Ramos, Sam Golzari, Jonathan William Cruz and Esperanza America Ibarra, all under the direction of LATC Artistic Director Jose Luis Valenzuela.

 Backstage Critic's Pick!

"Medina, one of Mexico's most acclaimed actors, is at once grand and subtle, ribald and ethereal, as Nana, with delicious timing and mesmeric presence" Read the rest...

LA Times
"Director José Luis Valenzuela works with a skilled design team to create a magical realism staging that moves fluidly from naturalism to heightened movement and song" Read the rest!Read the rest... 

Hollywood Progressive
"Evelina Fernandez reveals the devastating impact war has on those who fight and those left behind on the home front" Read the rest...

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